to "follow" or "no follow"

Level 5

to "follow" or "no follow"

hi all
any google pros out there have an opinion on choosing index, follow for landing pages. i can see doing  no follow for a blog comments form as people may add in spam links but is there any reason google will not like following a link from our webstie to our reg pages that sit on marketo?

i know the default is index, no follow but i am contemplating changing them all to index, follow.

i should add some of our pages are not reg pages but download pages - for content we don't require registration for but still want to track and send alerts for - i just send people to a "download" page- so kind of like an extension to our site.

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Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Re: to "follow" or "no follow"

Index, Nofollow is preferred for LP's with Forms because without that, your TY page will be visible in search and I could just swoop in and take the content, defeating your plan.

Index is fine for any page you want visible on search. If you are creating a microsite with no forms, then index, follow is fine.
Level 10

Re: to "follow" or "no follow"

We also use index, nofollow because we don't want our regular site content to have exclusive priority when someone searches for our company name. 
Level 5

Re: to "follow" or "no follow"
