Re: Target Account Flagging - Looking for Ideas & Advice

Level 3

Re: Target Account Flagging - Looking for Ideas & Advice

Hi Ronnie,

Marketo can read but not write to Account fields. If you run a campaign to change "Company" field value that's actually an account field (because the Contact qualifies for the smart list) the field will not update in SFDC. It will ONLY update in Marketo. And then you have mismatched data between Marketo and SFDC.


Level 4

Re: Target Account Flagging - Looking for Ideas & Advice

Wow, I never knew that. My bad...Thanks!

Level 3

Re: Target Account Flagging - Looking for Ideas & Advice

So here's the thing, I was thinking I could export a smart list from Marketo of the Target Accounts and them update them by importing the list into SFDC with the Target Account filled in. But you can only use the SFDC import wizard to do that if the SFDC Account ID is in the list. The SFDC Account ID isn't in Marketo. Any ideas as to how to get it there or some other method? I tried creating a report in SFDC and putting in all the Accounts to get the IDs that way but the report only lets you put a limited number of characters in the Account Name contains filter so that didn't work.

Level 4

Re: Target Account Flagging - Looking for Ideas & Advice

What if you put the contacts into an SFDC campaign then ran a campaign member report? You might have to create a custom Campaign Member formula field to pull in the Account ID, but that could be a feasible approach.

Another idea would be to create the field on the Contact, then create some Apex code to pull it onto the Account in SFDC.

Level 10

Re: Target Account Flagging - Looking for Ideas & Advice

Not sure I fully understand your requirements. Since Marketo is synced with SFDC, I assume Accounts are managed in SFDC. But you upload your Target Accounts in Marketo, and then want to sync them back to SFDC? Wouldn't it be easier to create that "Target Account" custom field on the Account object in SFDC and sync that field to Marketo (multi-value, as Sanford suggested)? Then all Contacts you add to that Account in the future (in SFDC) will automatically be identified in Marketo as people belonging to a Target Account for the particular year. 

Level 3

Re: Target Account Flagging - Looking for Ideas & Advice

I did create the Target Account field on the account object. But it's not populated. I'm trying to get it populated. Sales provided a Google Sheet with a list of the Target Accounts but it doesn't contain the Account ID. I used the Google Sheet to create a smart list in Marketo and was hoping I could export that out with the SFDC Account ID and then import it back into SFDC to populate the Target Account field but I can't do that because the SFDC Account ID is not in Marketo.

Level 10

Re: Target Account Flagging - Looking for Ideas & Advice

You should populate that in SFDC, not in Marketo. Even if you managed the populate it in Marketo, it wouldn't sync back to SFDC and it would be blanked out again. 

Maybe ask the SFDC admin to upload it (with Demandtools or another kind of powertool) or ask the sales team to identify the Accounts in SFDC (by checking your field!) rather than in a Google Sheet. 

Level 3

Re: Target Account Flagging - Looking for Ideas & Advice

Yes, of course. I am trying to populate it in SFDC, not in Marketo. I know that I can't populate an Account field in Marketo.

Your suggestion about asking sales to id the accounts in SFDC is funny. We don't have an SFDC Admin right now. I'm looking into a tool.

Level 10

Re: Target Account Flagging - Looking for Ideas & Advice

I know it's not always easy to get sales to use their fancy CRM system in the right way, spreadsheets continue to be immensely appealing 🙂

Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Re: Target Account Flagging - Looking for Ideas & Advice

I did what Sanford recommends, but I created two fields. One was visible to Sales called "Target Account" and they would check it true by a certain day in the quarter. Then that field would "freeze" (be removed from their permission set to edit) and I would say "any company with Target Account = True update Target Account Multi-Select and it would add the year and quarter (my updates were quarterly) selection. Then I could report that this account was a target 2018Q2, 2019Q1, 2019Q2, etc. while sales only saw a simple checkbox. 

Otherwise what will happen is Sales will:

1) Backfill the year and quarter it SHOULD have been a target if they have access to the multi-select

2) Try to add people after the date the field "freezes" and claim it was selected all along