Re: Syncing new SFDC fields to Marketo

Level 2

Syncing new SFDC fields to Marketo

Hi team,

Our Salesforce team created a few new fields in Salesforce. I can see these new fields in Marketo, but was wondering how long it takes for the data to sync/populate.

Thank you!


Level 8

Re: Syncing new SFDC fields to Marketo

Hi Navin,

That would entirely depend on the number of records that are being updated with info on those fields.

Also to note:

  1. Marketo would look at the entire record to see for updates and not just those specific fields. So any other updates on that record + those new fields with info + records that may be updated but do not have info on those fields would all contribute to the time it takes Marketo to sync all the info from Salesforce.
  2. Marketo will look at records in SFDC that have their SystemModstamp updated and only update/add those records into Marketo

I would have missed some scenarios, but I hope you get the gist.



Level 2

Re: Syncing new SFDC fields to Marketo

Thanks Floyd. We have about 50/60K records. Do you think it would be done in a week? Is there a way for us to "force" a sync if we don't see the data coming over from Salesforce?

Level 8

Re: Syncing new SFDC fields to Marketo

Hi Navin,

I would estimate around half a day to a day at the most for 50-60k records. But it should be much faster.

If you need to force a sync, you could log a Marketo support ticket and request to see if they can do it, it may need to wait until the current sync cycle is over.

I would run a smart lists to see if there are any records with those fields being populated in Marketo already.



Level 2

Re: Syncing new SFDC fields to Marketo

Thanks Floyd, I submitted a support ticket per your advice. Much appreciated!

Level 10

Re: Syncing new SFDC fields to Marketo

Hi Navin,

to set this straight:

  1. fields will immediately be created in Marketo
  2. No data will be pushed in these fields, unless you update the records in SFDC. Read Marketo / salesforce integration needs a serious overhaul, don't you "sync"? and vote ​ I recommend to always add a "Force Update" fields to all key objects (leads, contacts, accounts, opportunities). You can then update that field with a dataloader or using Xappex XL connector (a great tool, absolutely required in any SFDC admin toolbox), which will push all records to Marketo
  3. Marketo sync's records at a rate of about 10000 records / hour. You can ask support to temporarily increase that throughput if you need a quicker update.


Level 2

Re: Syncing new SFDC fields to Marketo

Thanks so much Greg. I logged a Marketo ticket to see if we could force a sync asap. Also, I voted up a bunch of your ideas. Thank you!

Level 2

Re: Syncing new SFDC fields to Marketo

Hi Navin,

Salesforce Admin can update the records via dataloader, no need to add any particular fields to the objects. The SCV file for the dataloader should contain only one column - the ID of the records on which SystemModstamp need to be triggered. In other words, Admin will not be adding any new data via data load. The presense of the record ID in the dataloader file will update the system date.
