Sync SFDC data after field type change

Not applicable

Sync SFDC data after field type change

Hi all,

We have a field that's synced from SFDC.  We then changed its field type in SFDC from Text to Number.  In Marketo, we then tried to change the corresponding field type, and accepted the warning that the field type change will destroy all existing values.  Sure enough, now most of our leads have that field blanked out, and only newly-created leads have that field filled in and synced with SFDC.  Is there a way to force a sync of that field for all existing leads?

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Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Re: Sync SFDC data after field type change


Filter on any lead that has a blank value in that field and then run Sync Lead to SFDC.

That should do it. 

I'd test this on a lead you know has a value in SFDC to make sure Marketo doesn't overwrite it with a blank.

Usually Marketo will sense that the field has changed in SFDC and sync it over automatically, but in this case that may not happen.

Not applicable

Re: Sync SFDC data after field type change

Two ways you can possibly do this:

Safe route with more effort
  1. Export a list of all your Marketo contacts that don't have this value with the wiped out field and the SFDC ID.
  2. Export two lists:
    1. All SFDC Contacts that have the field you want to sync - you need the SFDC ID and field.
    2. All SFDC Leads that have the field you want to sync - SFDC ID and field.
    3. Consolidate the 2 lists into 1 sheet.
  3. Put the Marketo contacts in a second sheet in the same workbook.
  4. Via a vlookup, match the Marketo sheet with your SFDC information using the SFDC ID to look up.
  5. Jam the information back into Marketo via list upload.
Note that you'll need the 18-digit SFDC ID for both, since the 15-digit ID is case sensitive.

An easier alternative that may or may not work
  1. Generate a Marketo smartlist of leads just got the value wiped out.
  2. Test sync one of the records with the wiped out field by selecting one from the list you just generated: Lead actions > Flow actions > Sync Lead to SFDC > Use auto-assignment rules.
  3. If the information syncs over from SFDC to Marketo, then sync the entire list. If it erases the information, then this method doesn't work.
Please let us know if the second method worked if you try it. Hope this helps.
