Re: Sync Old Program Member Field Values In SFDC

Level 1

Sync Old Program Member Field Values In SFDC


What is the best way of having PMCF data synced in Salesforce?
Case(s) description:
a) For program "X" the PMCF trigger wrote data on the Marketo Program Member Fields, but the PMCF out of the box sync was activated at a later date. As there are no Program Status changes expected in the near future, what would be the best way to mass-sync the PMCF values to the Campaign Member corresponding fields in Salesforce?
The program is synced directly  to SFDC, from the "Setup" Tab.
Note:  The regular "Sync  person to SFDC" did not update the Campaign member fields.

b)There are cases when the Members are added to the SFDC Campaign prior to the PMCF values to be populated in the Marketo Program. When this happens, the PMCF values are not passed to the Campaign Member fieds SFDC and the reports differ quite a lot. 

What's the best way to avoid this in the future and have the historical PMCF values synced to the corresponding Campaign member fields?

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Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Sync Old Program Member Field Values In SFDC

You’d have to do a data load on the SFDC side.