I have a quick question about survey monkey. At our org, we use Survey Monkey currently in our tech support department, and those who call in are encouraged
to complete the survey, I would like to know if we can send a Thank you email automatically(built in marketo) for those who complete the survey and is
Survey Monkey and Marketo are now directly integrated. Here is the documentation from Survey Monkey on how to integrate the two: Marketo Integration
You can definitely trigger an email based on them filling out the survey. Great stuff!
Thanks Kristen for redirecting to the documentation.
Hi Vineela,
Yes, this is feasible if you use Survey Monkey connector to Marketo (which is not included in all versions of Survey Monkey). With this connector, you will ahve a data flow back from SurveyMonkey to Marketo, which you can use to trigger email or whatever Marketo action you wish.
Thanks for your reply Michel.
We will check if our version of Survey monkey has that capability.
Hi Vineela,
I my memories are good, it takes a Platinum version of SurveyMonkey + purchasing on top the Marketo connector that was quite expensive.
PS : I go by Greg, Michel is my last name.
Yes, you need the top package AND an integration fee. After that, you can do all sorts of great things with SM and Marketo.