Re: Suppress contact reduces the number of contact compared to the contact limit ?

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Level 2

Suppress contact reduces the number of contact compared to the contact limit ?


I saw on the forum recently that it was impossible to send email to non "contact" people,

So I wanted to know if, when I suppress a certain number of contact my total of contacts / my contact limit reduces instantly or if there is a time-lapse before it's taken into account?

I hope my message is clearly understandable,


Thanks for your help


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Level 9 - Community Advisor + Adobe Champion

Re: Suppress contact reduces the number of contact compared to the contact limit ?

If you delete a list of people from Marketo, it happens within seconds, or minutes. It's almost real-time.  A while after you delete them, the count you'd see in Database would be less. I'd check the updated count and verify if the same has reduced before scheduling the next email as a fail safe, but don't think this is needed. 

Yes, if you don't have a lead/person with their email address in Marketo, you can't send them an email from Marketo. Hope this helps!

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Level 9 - Community Advisor + Adobe Champion

Re: Suppress contact reduces the number of contact compared to the contact limit ?

Could you clarify what does non-contact mean here?
When you suppress a certain number of contacts - from a smart campaign to send the email - It changes the "qualified count" in few seconds - can take take longer based on how complicated the smart list is.

Level 2

Re: Suppress contact reduces the number of contact compared to the contact limit ?

Thanks for you answer, sorry not to be precise enough,

Let me give you an example of my case, it will be easier to understand :

I added a big list of contacts to my database and I mailed them, but then I realized that they were not as qualified as I thought they were and I wanted to delete them from my database : My question was, how long will it take for Marketo to erase them of my contact limitation? (As I imagine people could abuse of this and use Marketo just to send Email to unlimited number of people, I just wanted to know how it would react) 


By non contact I meant people that are not in the data base

Level 9 - Community Advisor + Adobe Champion

Re: Suppress contact reduces the number of contact compared to the contact limit ?

If you delete a list of people from Marketo, it happens within seconds, or minutes. It's almost real-time.  A while after you delete them, the count you'd see in Database would be less. I'd check the updated count and verify if the same has reduced before scheduling the next email as a fail safe, but don't think this is needed. 

Yes, if you don't have a lead/person with their email address in Marketo, you can't send them an email from Marketo. Hope this helps!

Level 2

Re: Suppress contact reduces the number of contact compared to the contact limit ?

Awesome, I have my answer, thanks for your help 😁