Re: Summary vs dashboard view in Email Send

Level 1

Summary vs dashboard view in Email Send

Why are the totals different from each other in these two program views? For instance, there are no Unsubscribes in the Summary view while the Dashboard view shows 57 unsubscribes for the same email. 
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Re: Summary vs dashboard view in Email Send

The summary view shows statuses changed using Change Program status (which you control).  The email send dashboard records the data automatically.  
Level 1

Re: Summary vs dashboard view in Email Send

That makes perfect sense. Thanks for your quick reply, Cheryl!
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Re: Summary vs dashboard view in Email Send

I have the same question but the explanation is not clear to me.

In some cases I have the dashboard saying 700 records delivered but then the summary only says 600 were delivered.why would that be?

Level 10

Re: Summary vs dashboard view in Email Send

Hi Jacqueline,

What Cheryl was saying is that one of the numbers is tracked automatically (dashboard), while the other is counting those lead statuses that have been changed by smart campaigns in your program.  These statuses only change when your smart campaigns change them, so if some Members of your program didn't qualify for one of the campaigns that would have changed their status, then they wouldn't show up on the summary, but they would still have been tracked on the dashboard.
