Suggestions for applying a non-trigger token to an interesting moment

Not applicable

Suggestions for applying a non-trigger token to an interesting moment


Is there a way to apply a non-trigger token to an interesting moment? I want to include the product interest with an interesting moment but I cannot figure out how to do it. All suggestions are welcome.



Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Suggestions for applying a non-trigger token to an interesting moment

{{lead.tokens}}, you mean?

Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Re: Suggestions for applying a non-trigger token to an interesting moment

if you run a batch and want to add a {{trigger.TOKEN}} you generally cannot. But you can type anything you want in there along with any other token as Sanford suggests.

I also try to put IMs in Scoring triggers instead of separating.

Level 10

Re: Suggestions for applying a non-trigger token to an interesting moment

I tend to put IMs in the operational programs (webinars, events, gated content, ...) because I want to be able to use all types of tokens, not just the "{{trigger...}}" ones.

in the Operational programs, all {{my. and {{program. tokens are available.


Not applicable

Re: Suggestions for applying a non-trigger token to an interesting moment

Thanks all. I will give it a try and see if it displays properly when I pass the info to NetCRM.