Re: String value "default" set by form submissions

Level 3

String value "default" set by form submissions

Hi All, 

We've been experiencing a phenomenon with our new leads coming in (all from the same form) where the data in certain fields being input as "default." I've looked for the cause of this in the activity logs of each of the leads and it appears this is happening at the form level. I'm wondering if the problem comes down to some of the fields had the form pre-fill enabled. Has anyone else had this experience? 

Level 10 - Community Moderator

String value "default" set by form submissions

The string value “default” is valid for any string field — it’s not special. Marketo will Pre-Fill with this value the same as any other. So it’s likely you have a Smart Campaign stamping this value.

Level 3

String value "default" set by form submissions

@SanfordWhiteman That was my assumption as well, so I did a deep dive of our smart campaigns and couldn't find one that was changing the data value. Instead, the activity log suggested that "default" was being input by the lead when filling out the form. This is what made me think it could possibly be a form pre-fill error. Screenshot 2024-09-24 at 9.20.35 AM.png

Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: String value "default" set by form submissions

Pre-Fill gets the value from the lead record. It’s doubtful there’s anything wrong with that process. You’ll have to link to your page so we can look at it more deeply.