Status Progression in a Program with multiple email campaigns

Level 10

Status Progression in a Program with multiple email campaigns

I created a program which is synced to salesforce.  I want to be able to track the status in progression, but I have multiple emails within this program, and it's going to the same group of people, based on their activity.  But the progression status looks like this:

The success is Demo.  

So we're going to send another email to those who opened but didn't click on the link for the demo request
Send an email to those who clicked on the link but didn't submit the form

So the question is if I want to track the progression status for the 2 emails, is it better to clone the original program and run the status progression campaigns, or do I send the emails from the original program?
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Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Re: Status Progression in a Program with multiple email campaigns

You should always run the campaigns inside the program they are intended for.

I always keep a separate folder inside the Program called "Progressions" which listen for the event for each progression change.

Clicked = Clicks Link in Email IS ANY (or a specific email)
Change Progression  Status to Clicked

You can, of course, clone the original Program to run a similar set of campaigns.
Not applicable

Re: Status Progression in a Program with multiple email campaigns

Adding to this:

Is there a way to run a report to see folks who moved from one stage to another? A subscription report?
Level 10

Re: Status Progression in a Program with multiple email campaigns

So if I run 2 other email campaigns and they are kept in the same program, should I just track the following progression status:

And not:

Good question that Sierra asked below.  I know my boss will want to know that too. 
Not applicable

Re: Status Progression in a Program with multiple email campaigns

Once we have sent an email out and let the leads flow through the various progression steps in campaign folder called "Progression Folder A", do we create another campaign folder called "Progression Folder B" if we want to send out a second email? Or, do we simply go back into "Progression Folder A" and add the second email to the smart list section? And if the answer is that we simply add the second email to "Progression Folder A" should it be scheduled for "each lead can run through the flow once" or "every time"
Not applicable

Re: Status Progression in a Program with multiple email campaigns

I'm interested in a response to Shawna's last question as well.
Not applicable

Re: Status Progression in a Program with multiple email campaigns

Each program only has one set of progression statuses, and you can't move backwards in progression.  So if a lead clicked the first email and was set to status Clicked, but then only opened the second one they will not be reset to status Opened.

So using two progression folders wouldn't make any difference since only the "highest" reached status will be visible on the program overview.

So either do as Josh Hill suggested and add more emails to each progression campaign (but make sure to specify which emails, else any Marketo email they open or click will trigger the campaign). This will show the effect of the program as a whole.

Or create a separate program for each email if you really want to see the progression for each email sent, keeping in mind that if a lead asks for a demo both emails sent will reach success status unless you specify otherwise in your different progression campaigns.
Level 4

Re: Status Progression in a Program with multiple email campaigns

"Each program only has one set of progression statuses, and you can't move backwards in progression.  So if a lead clicked the first email and was set to status Clicked, but then only opened the second one they will not be reset to status Opened."


But if the progression values are the same then it would switch back and forth, correct?


This the way my inherited instance is set up. Should I change the values to be different so they do not go back and forth?

Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Status Progression in a Program with multiple email campaigns

Yes, a person can move between statuses with the same step value.

This can be a useful feature but it doesn't seem to fit the idea of tracking multiple emails in the same Program.

Level 4

Re: Status Progression in a Program with multiple email campaigns

Thanks Sanford.  I am investigating the Marketo instance I inherited and the company only uses smart campaigns to run multiple email campaigns. The analytics are off but I think it's because the flip-flopping of statuses. 

I am moving to use the email program instead...if I change the progression steps to a succession of numbers, does this look like an email program should look?

With each email having its own progression and reports?


Although, I think I am wrong in having a campaign folder (which essentially is a smart campaign)...I should be controlling the send from the email program (mailbox) level...correct?


Also, is it correct to have a trigger in each email for (opened, clicked, converted) that will add the name to a static list?


Or does each email need its own report?