"Each program only has one set of progression statuses, and you can't move backwards in progression. So if a lead clicked the first email and was set to status Clicked, but then only opened the second one they will not be reset to status Opened."
But if the progression values are the same then it would switch back and forth, correct?
This the way my inherited instance is set up. Should I change the values to be different so they do not go back and forth?
Yes, a person can move between statuses with the same step value.
This can be a useful feature but it doesn't seem to fit the idea of tracking multiple emails in the same Program.
Thanks Sanford. I am investigating the Marketo instance I inherited and the company only uses smart campaigns to run multiple email campaigns. The analytics are off but I think it's because the flip-flopping of statuses.
I am moving to use the email program instead...if I change the progression steps to a succession of numbers, does this look like an email program should look?
With each email having its own progression and reports?
Although, I think I am wrong in having a campaign folder (which essentially is a smart campaign)...I should be controlling the send from the email program (mailbox) level...correct?
Also, is it correct to have a trigger in each email for (opened, clicked, converted) that will add the name to a static list?
Or does each email need its own report?