Re: Speeding up iFrame load times

Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Speeding up iFrame load times

Actually, they don't use the same form.  /business-subscription uses form ID 1386, while /sandbox uses form ID 1186.  These forms have different descriptors.

But more important, I don't see /business-subscription (the one you're saying works) using any Progressive Profiling in practice. This is because you have Known Lead HTML enabled, which overrides your attempt at ProgPro. Observe this sequence:




Not applicable

Re: Speeding up iFrame load times

Hi Sanford,

You are correct that the forms are different.  Also, on the prog profiling - I made the common mistake of associating pre-fill with prog profiling.

Could you explain where is the setting for:  'Known Lead HTML enabled' ?  Do you mean that having Form Pre-fill Enabled, overrides Prog Profiling?

Screen Shot 2016-08-30 at 5.44.37 PM.png

Btw - thank you for taking the time to look at this.


Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Speeding up iFrame load times

"Known Lead HTML" is short for Settings » If Known Lead, Show Custom HTML.

When you enable KL HTML and someone has previously filled in all the default visible fields on a form, the form is hidden and replaced with your arbitrary block of HTML (which can include anything you want, but by default includes the person's First and Last Name and a Download button to jump to whatever asset you otherwise gate with the form).

Therefore, KL HTML can override ProgPro, and PreFill too, since the notions of "show this form with new empty fields," "show this form with prefilled info from before," and "hide this form if we know this person" are in conflict. One of these needs to "win" on every page view.