I am trying to sort by ReachForce data. Specifically, I am filling in some states that are missing. The entire process would be much easier if I was able to sort by the ReachForce Field. For example, if I could sort A-Z for "RF_DHQ_StateCode", I would be able to fix this minor problem with some quick single-flow actions. Has anyone else encountered this problem? Any way to fix it?
export to excel.
I would need to re-import the spreadsheet back into Marketo and I haven't really been given "clearance" to do that yet.
I would like to help here. Just need to confirm your requirements. Is this to help with routing? There are many other RF fields that you may be able to use that are more granular...
Well, specifically, I want to transfer State Code information over to our State field. I need to look over each individual record so I'm doing it in single flow action batches. It would take me a lot less time in the future if I were able to sort by RF data