Somewhat Off Topic: Favorite Flowcharting Tool

Level 3

Somewhat Off Topic: Favorite Flowcharting Tool

We need to document some advanced program flows (far more complex than just the revenue modeler). Of course, I've used Visio ... but am hoping there's something leaner and more modern. I'm not asking anyone to do any Googling ... can do that myself. I'm just hoping someone has a personal recommendation for a tool you've used and find works well capturing interaction between programs and flows within programs. Hoping to find a "hidden gem"!

Level 9 - Community Advisor + Adobe Champion

Re: Somewhat Off Topic: Favorite Flowcharting Tool

Lucid Chart.

Level 7

Re: Somewhat Off Topic: Favorite Flowcharting Tool

I've always found Lucid Chart to be a tool that does the trick pretty well. 

Level 5

Re: Somewhat Off Topic: Favorite Flowcharting Tool works well, it's free, and you can connect it to Google Drive! They also have paid versions that connect to Jira/Confluence if you use those tools as well. 

Level 3

Re: Somewhat Off Topic: Favorite Flowcharting Tool

Lucid Chart all the way. So much nicer to use than Visio, and you can upload custom icons (I think on the paid version, but it isn't expensive).  

Level 3

Re: Somewhat Off Topic: Favorite Flowcharting Tool

Belated "thanks!" to all for the suggestions. Lucid Chart looks like the best fit for us.