Support help me set up two daily batch campaigns as follows:
Campaign 1 (runs nightly at 9pm PST):
Campaign 2 (runs nightly at 10pm PST):
So what the first campaign is doing is it's checking a few situations. It's looking to see if a lead has had three bounces of any sort in the past 90 days, while also NOT having any emails delivered in that same period of time. Secondly, it's checking to see that if it did have any bounces, that none of them contained "OOB" in the details.
If any of this is true, it sets the lead to marketing suspended.
The second campaign is essentially checking these leads again to see if any of the emails got through because the OOB was just temporary. If it finds that to be the case, it sets marketing suspended back to false.
Your timeframe/number of bounces might vary, same with when you want these campaigns to run. But hopefully this helps!