Social Sharing in Emails

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Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Social Sharing in Emails

Michael, I had to downvote your post* because leads should never, ever be sharing their View As Web Page link.  However, I do have a solution to this rather age-old problem, as I alluded to earlier.  I'll be putting the first blog post about it out tomorrow, hopefully.

* I recommend you delete the post.

Level 2

Re: Social Sharing in Emails

Sanford, the ESP that we used prior to Marketo has the functionality to allow subscribers to share the entire email. When the subscriber selects the social media platform they want to share it on, the system removes the personalized urls - unsubscribe and update your profile links.

With the previous system we were able to report on social shares and we saw that our subscribers shared the email a lot. We also saw that we received a good number of new subscriptions from the emails that were shared.

It maybe a bad idea to allow emails to be shared when using Marketo, but not for all systems and newsletters.

Are you able to share the demo or link to MightyShare so that everyone currently on this thread and future visitors can benefit?

Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Social Sharing in Emails

I definitely agree there are many situations in which newsletter-type, lead-neutral emails are a direct fit for social sharing! That's why I dug right into this project, and I'm pretty psyched with what I came up with in just a couple of days of coding.

ShareMaker allows you to tag (using HTML markup within the Marketo email editor) sections of the email you want to exclude from the share-safe version.  You also signal links you you want to use in the share-safe version (and where you want them to lead, which can potentially be different from the links in the email delivered),   And you can even inject your own Marketo form into the HTML view so that the email is re-gated.

The service is so new that I don't even have an LP up A signup page is at, or get in touch at and I'll set you up with a demo.

Not applicable

Re: Social Sharing in Emails

Sanford, let me be the first to say you are awesome! 

Level 2

Re: Social Sharing in Emails

Sanford, I just signed up for a demo. I look forward to testing your solution.

Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Social Sharing in Emails

Cool.  I sent you an email -- just send me a Marketo email and/or tell me your LP domain and I'll kick you back a link to try.

Not applicable

Re: Social Sharing in Emails

This is typically not done in an email, usually what I see people do is have a link to the social page you want to share and they can share from there.

I think the reason is that the share buttons are coded with javascript which will be blocked by ISP's in an email due to spam

Level 2

Re: Social Sharing in Emails

Thanks for the reply, Jamie.

We have a blog and post several blog posts a day. We have daily and weekly email products so it wouldn't be ideal for me to manually change the link for each social share icon for each blog post in each email being delivered.

As a new Marketo user, I'm surprised this is not already part of the system.

Thanks again for the response. I need to come up with a solution before moving over our email products into Marketo because the share icons are used heavily by our subscribers.

Not applicable

Re: Social Sharing in Emails

These links do not have all of the features of the social links for pages, but I made this tool that creates social sharing HTML links that work in emails:

Not applicable

Re: Social Sharing in Emails

Hi Evan,

This is a really great tool - I've overcome my issue with the Facebook link but still find that the LinkedIn one is not including/sharing the URL. What do you intend the LinkedIn Source information to be? Perhaps I am missing a piece that is vital to that link showing up in the share post.

Currently it looks like this from your tool: