Slow Marketo-SFDC sync involving DiscoverOrg updates

Level 5

Slow Marketo-SFDC sync involving DiscoverOrg updates


We recently started experiencing repeatedly long sync cycles between Marketo and SFDC (taking between 1 to 8 hours).

We've been investigating and found that DiscoverOrg does a nightly update process to any SFDC record with a DiscoverOrg Id. That update process updates the mod stamp in SFDC every night. That mod stamp update causes Marketo to sync the record. So each day Marketo is syncing 150,000 records which is causing each sync cycle to take hours to complete.

We are going through and hiding unnecessary fields from the Marketo>SFDC sync to try and speed things up, but the real issue is the frequency of updates to the mod stamp on every record.

Has anyone experienced this kind of issue? Have any suggested solutions?

Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Slow Marketo-SFDC sync involving DiscoverOrg updates

Ari Echt​ please move the thread to Products​ (Move link is at the right). This space is for discussing the Champs incentive program itself, not support.

Level 5

Re: Slow Marketo-SFDC sync involving DiscoverOrg updates

Sanford Whiteman​, thread moved to product.

Not applicable

Re: Slow Marketo-SFDC sync involving DiscoverOrg updates

Hey Ari - The DiscoverOrg product team should be reaching out to you shortly to get to the root of the issue. Please let me know if you do not hear from them or if you have any additional issues that you would like to address.

Level 2

Re: Slow Marketo-SFDC sync involving DiscoverOrg updates

Did you ever determine a solution for this?