Shareable Email Previews?

Level 4

Shareable Email Previews?

In Hubspot we were able to get a shareable email preview to send out to people who wanted to see what the email looked like. Marketo provides an email preview option, but you have to login in order to see the preview. Is there anyway to get a shareable email preview that I can send out the link for without requiring them to login to Marketo to see the preview? If not, what services do you use to share email previews to project stakeholders?

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Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Re: Shareable Email Previews?

Hi Broderick,

We send test emails (Email Actions > Send Sample Email) to our team.

You can either type everyone's email address one by one, or send to a distribution list.

Hope that helps!

Level 4

Re: Shareable Email Previews?

Unfortunately not, we keep a chart of all our active emails that anyone can access at any time. I need something that is public and always accessible via a link.

Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Shareable Email Previews?

No such function exists in Marketo.

The closest would be sharing the Web Page View in the context of a specific lead. You'd have to send to that lead (could be an alias to your account) to get the link, though.

Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Re: Shareable Email Previews?

Ditto to Sanford.

I guess you could also download the HTML and then host it somewhere, like a Sharepoint or dropbox.

Level 4

Re: Shareable Email Previews?

Dang, Marketo really needs this functionality. The problem with hosting it somewhere else is that it's never up to date. If I could share an email preview straight from Marketo, it would always be the most up to date template.

Level 10 - Champion Alumni
Level 1

Re: Shareable Email Previews?

I'd like to echo this need. 

I'd like to easily send campaign planning docs to my sales team... and a workflow with email links would be perfect.  Most other platforms seem to have this functionality.

Level 2

Re: Shareable Email Previews?

I would also like to echo this need... big gap in Marketo's usability.

Level 1

Re: Shareable Email Previews?

Is this still the case?  I have a large team, most of whom do no use Marketo but who need access to email samples.