sfdcSyncStats vs Admin Sync Status comparison

Level 1

sfdcSyncStats vs Admin Sync Status comparison


How is the SFDCSyncStat calculated in xxx.marketo.com/supportTools/sfdcSyncStats

as compared to the one in Admin panel (Admin > Integration > Salesforce > Sync Status)


I tried to compare an hour worth of data but the counts seem to be off.


Thank you

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Level 10 - Community Advisor + Adobe Champion

Re: sfdcSyncStats vs Admin Sync Status comparison

What things (objects or sync activity type: insert, update, delete) seem to be off? One of the two might not have been completely updated with the real-time data, and you might just have to wait sometime for both logs to come to parity.

Level 1

Re: sfdcSyncStats vs Admin Sync Status comparison

Thank you for the reply.

I guess I would need to understand the columns first.

In the support tools - I have a column named Objects Pending Sync.

But in the Admin - Integration - Salesforce - Sync Status, I do not have this column.