Re: Setting up first smart campaign

Level 2

Setting up first smart campaign

We just sent out our first email, and will now set up a smart campaign.  We'd like to send a dffferent email, with different content/subject lines, based on the action (if no email opens, send email 1, if email is opened with clicks, send email 1a).  What is the best way to do this?  Clone the original email in the program and set up a smart campaign for each email?

Level 2

Re: Setting up first smart campaign

Yes, you can clone the original email and make edits to the email. You can have two smart campaigns to do what you are outlining. What does someone get if they only open the email? Based on what you wrote, only people who didn't open an email or people who opened and clicked the email get emails. Just some food for thought that those that opened the email may not get another email. 



Level 2

Re: Setting up first smart campaign

Thanks for the quick reply!  I left out the step you mention above, but below is the plan we have.  The first email was sent to the full list, now we're setting up the campaign for the other actions. Are we only allowed two smart campaigns?

Full listSend Email 1Subject line 1
Email content 1
Image 1
Did not open cold emailSend Email 1aSubject line 2
Email content 1
Image 1
Opened cold email but didn't clickSend Email 1bSubject line 2
Email content 1
Image 2

Opened any email and clicked any link, 

except CTA

Send Email 1cSubject line 3
Email content 2
Image 3
Level 2

Re: Setting up first smart campaign

Hi Michelle,

You can set up as many smart campaigns as you need. I'm not sure if you've done this as well, but you can have another set of smart campaigns so that you can change the program member status as people engage in your emails. You can have two folders, one for the follow up email smart campaigns (Campaigns would be the way I would label it) and one for the program status changes (I would name it Statuses). 

All the best,


Level 2

Re: Setting up first smart campaign

One more question - we were guided to create the program as a default program, but now I'm wondering if the program should be an engagement program, since we have different emails for the different actions.  Is that correct?