Re: Sending Email to Marketo Field

Level 1

Sending Email to Marketo Field

Trying to figure out how to send an alert email to a field in Marketo.

So essentially I have someone filling out a form with name, phone and email. The form is for a specific user in the Marketo database. If the person filling out the form does not move onto the next step, I want to send an alert email to the Marketo user with the information from the form.

I can see sending an email based on a parameter, but I can't figure out how to set it up to send the same email, but to multiple users based on a data point.

For reference the data point/field is affiliateEmail. So I need a way to send an email to affiliateEmail each time.

If this is confusing let me know I can try and explain more.

Level 10 - Community Advisor + Adobe Champion

Re: Sending Email to Marketo Field

I'm little confused on what you're trying to do here. But if you want to send emails alerts to multiple users, you can include their email addresses in a token/field separated with a comma character and use the that token in the Send Alert email flow step in the "To Other Emails:". The first recipient in the comma separated list will be in To, rest will be in CC.


If the person filling out the form does not move onto the next step, I want to send an alert email to the Marketo user with the information from the form.

I can see sending an email based on a parameter, but I can't figure out how to set it up to send the same email, but to multiple users based on a data point.

You can create a campaign to trigger off of the filled out form activity, in the campaign flow, add the person to a wait step, then check if they moved to the next stage or not after the wait step, if not send out the alert email to the list of the recipients. You'd need to decide how much would you wanna wait before checking if the person has moved to next stage or not and add the apt wait duration (1 hour, 1 day, 1 week, etc.). This is one approach off the top of my head based on what I could comprehend from your explanation of the use-case.