Re: Send Welcome Alert

Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Send Welcome Alert

We're looking at sending an alert email to new customers thanking them for their business, and including a few niceties, like a copy of their signed contract, key support contact info, etc.

I can envision how tokens would help me with the latter, but has anyone done something similar with sending contracts? We use, if that's helpful. Ideally, I'd like to add a field that the sales rep can manually check to automatically trip a triggered smart campaign.

If it doesn't look cool, you're probably doing it wrong.
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Level 7

Re: Send Welcome Alert

Hi Joe

Where are you storing your contracts? Do we have the URL of the contract PDF doc stored in Salesforce in Opportunity or any other object within Salesforce?
We can leverage MKTO velocity scripting to pull out the Contract PDF URL and add it in the email. The lead would receive the email with link to the contract, from where it can download.