Do you know if this also applies to using formula fields for segment, or could that be a workaround. For instance, instead of using a "in past" on the segment level if I created an Age formula field that calculated age based on the birthdate, and then created a 18-25 segment based on the values in that age field, would that workaround move people between segments automatically?
I think an easier workaround would be using the "in past" and "in timeframe" filters on a smart list, and then using the smart list membership in the segment.
Technically there is a Marketo formula field but it isn't as useful as what you've described.
Having exactly the same issue and thought I was going batty. Something like this should either work or not work...right now I see data that works sometimes.
Like Dory said, if it's not supported, the system shouldn't let you do it.
Will be looking for a workaround.