I have read through most of the messages and the documentation too and have certain understanding of nurturing programs but still not able to get my head around this seemingly simple complex topic. Cant this made simpler or a better documentation is definitely called for.
So to the understanding.
Smart Campaign
Am I right or wrong ?
Now the scenario;
The company in question has web sales for 4 product lines. They get dropped transactions and have a list of such customers coming in every day.
So the idea is to load this list and Marketo automatically will clear the duplicates and load to the list i created say List A.
Now a nurturing program is created with 4 streams corresponding to each product line with 4 emails each
Member dont go to adjacent streams, they enter a stream and exit the same stream.
Entry to the stream is "triggered by" a filter that reads the page visited to identify the product and also screened for travel through the flow. Then emails are configured in the same stream 3 of them to go one after the other with a delay of 2 days. At the end of the flow in the stream the member is removed off the list to a new list - corresponding to late stage or middle stage based on CRM value of purchase of the product.
Now the question is do I need a smart campaign to trigger the list daily or will the above set up work when I add new leads to my List A. Do transitions help to trigger a stream to start sending its first email or is it for "transitioning" only to the next stream.
Sorry for the long post and thank you for the patience if you have made it so far. Thanks in advance for the discussion, which I help other too who want to get a hang of this topic.
Hey Aromal, you will need a campaign (triggered or batch) that will identify that someone has been added to List A and needs to be added to your Engagement Program. The transitions are only when you want to "pull" someone into another stream.
A couple of questions I have:
As great as Engagement Programs are, this might be a better use case for a drip nurture, depending on your answers to the questions I've posed.
So from our discussions so far, what I understand is to do any of the controls i,e trigger, move to another list etc, there needs to be a separate campaign - smart campaign is it ?
And transitions are only for moving between streams ?
One more question here - what's the smallest duration we can set in cadence ? And Cadence is like a schedule and it runs every week and process the members through the stream messages. There is no way to customise the delay between mails and gaps between mails are constant through out as set by cadence.
Just jotting all data points here so that the info is complete.
In addition to what Dory says:
And yes, what you want to do is better with 4 Programs with a single smart campaign with a Wait Step between each email send.
And yes, what you want to do is better with 4 Programs with a single smart campaign with a Wait Step between each email send.
How will the structure look like ?
1. Program 1 - Nurture for Product 1
2. Program 2 - Nuture for Product 2 and so on and so forth.
Smart campaign to trigger - Program 1 if the person has visited Link1 and hasn't bought a product (info from crm ), Program 2 similar and run this daily ?