Salesforce Sync Error:Invalid Credentials

Not applicable

Salesforce Sync Error:Invalid Credentials


I received the "Salesforce Sync Error: Invalid Credentials" message. I changed Marketo's  Salesforce password and received a new token. I have inputted the new password and token into the "Manage synchronization" credential box and I keep receiving the credentials are incorrect. I know I am typing the password and token in correctly.

Is there a step I am missing that I should be doing in Salesforce or Marketo?



Level 10

Re: Salesforce Sync Error:Invalid Credentials

Hi Kara,

The best way to handle this is to follow the instructions below exactly.  Even if you've already reset the token or changed the password, just follow these exactly and you should be good to go.

In Marketo:

1) Click the Admin button in the upper right hand side of the Marketo instance.

2) Go to the "Salesforce" section of the tree menu on the left.

3) Click the "Disable Sync" button at the top. This will prevent Marketo from continuously logging into SFDC. (Prevents you from getting locked out while trying to fix this issue)


1) Log into SFDC with the sync user credentials.(

2) If you can not log in (which is most likely the case), then follow the Salesforce reset password link, or have your admin reset this for you.

3) Once you can log into SFDC as the sync user, click "Your Name - Setup - My Personal Information - Reset Security Token". (Disregard the token you get in the reset password emails, you need to reset the token manually, and make sure to save this email!)

NOTE: Don't forget to make sure that your SalesForce Sync User is not locked out of SFDC.

Back in Marketo:

1) Go to Admin - Salesforce - Edit Credentials

2) Make sure you fill each field separately, do not add the security token to the end of the password, make sure it's in it's own field.

3) Click save.

4) Re-enable the sync.

Not applicable

Re: Salesforce Sync Error:Invalid Credentials

Hi John,

I did what you suggested and it’s still not working. I’ll have to put in a support ticket.

Thank you for your help,


Level 10

Re: Salesforce Sync Error:Invalid Credentials

Hi Kara,

Were you able to log into Salesforce directly with the Username and Password you have in Marketo? And when you signed into SFDC, did you manually reset the security token?


Level 10

Re: Salesforce Sync Error:Invalid Credentials

Hi Kara,

Once you are done with resetting the connection per John's indications, it's strongly recommended that you create a specific SFDC profile for the Marketo user and grant this profile the "password never expires" right, so that you do not have to go again through this in the future.


Not applicable

Re: Salesforce Sync Error:Invalid Credentials


Thank you!!