Salesforce Integration: Campaign member list views.

Level 1

Salesforce Integration: Campaign member list views.

We need to be able to create a refreshable list view (not a report) against campaign members in Salesforce.


As Marketo logs activities to leads and contact records, and we group everything into salesforce campaigns, we want to have a list view, with a refresh button, that surfaces campaign members from any campaign, lead or contact, with a last activity date of yesterday, for example.


Has anyone done this?  via the Salesforce UI? a plug-in? custom programming?

Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Salesforce Integration: Campaign member list views.

This would be something done in Salesforce, just talk to your admin. It wouldn't need any custom code (as in Apex) AFAICS.

Level 1

Re: Salesforce Integration: Campaign member list views.

I know. I am. My admin says it can't be done.


I'd love to hear from anyone who has actually accomplished it.

Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Salesforce Integration: Campaign member list views.

What do they claim is the blocker?

Level 2

Re: Salesforce Integration: Campaign member list views.

Your request is fairly basic functionality in Salesforce. In fact, depending on your level of Salesforce permissions you might be able to create a Report yourself using the standard Report Type "Campaigns with Campaign Members"