Re: Sales Insight installation failure

Level 3

Sales Insight installation failure

For 6 months we have been trying to get Sales Insight to work within our network. We use ScanSafe (Cisco Web Cloud Security) as our proxy server provider and have been unable to install Sales Insight into Outlook while on the network.
Has anyone experienced this type of issue with working through the plug-in installation while on a proxy network?

We are beyond frustrated at this point, and about ready to give up entirely...but I figured I would try and find anyone else who may have experienced the same issues...

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Re: Sales Insight installation failure

What did Support say about this one? I would love to help but just need the details from them before I start...
Level 3

Re: Sales Insight installation failure

No much...unfortunately...we were hoping someone technical could get on a call with us and Cisco, but we were told that wasn't an option.
What I did get was: 
For the information in regards to the coding and calls necessary for Sales Insight to install and work properly, the isn't really more information to provide outside the fact the Outlook Add-ing requires HTTPS traffic to be open in order for it be able to talk to Marketo. The only other requirement is that the User who will be accessing the Outlook Add-in needs to be the one who installs the Add-in. If your IT Team tries to install it for them it will not work properly as the installer places some files into the local profile of the User who performs the install. If your IT Team needs the specific source/destination for the HTTPS traffic, the URL is:
Unfortunately, this wasn't enough information. 
According to my IT department:
During the install it makes a call to register the plug-in before it finishes, and it is failing the install at that point.
I have been working with Cisco Web Cloud Security (formerly Scan Safe) who is our proxy server provider and so far we have done traces with Fiddler and Wireshark, and that have tried to make adjustments to the configuration for this .msi piece (as we can get to every website that is listed in the traces, with no problem from a browser, it's just when it makes the call from the .msi that it fails).

That's all that I've got. Any ideas?
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Re: Sales Insight installation failure

Yes. Tons of ideas...Have you tried the install on your personal laptop? If you can document the failed validation durring the install done by the end-user of the plug-in we may be able to validate manually by giving some details on the user to Marketo. Thsi is were I would start... If you would like some help on this we can help. I have been a big fan of the plug-in since 2009.
Level 3

Re: Sales Insight installation failure

I know this is older - hopefully you're stlil following this one Mark... 
We tried upgrading our firewall and whitelisting everthing - still no luck.
It works if not on our network. Once in our network, however, nothing.

Would love to speak further to see if you have ideas/solutions that my IT department hasn't been able to identify.
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Re: Sales Insight installation failure

Heather, I am happy to help here. (this is what I think is the definition of a Champion)

We will need to jump on a quick 10 minutes call to discuss. what times do you have available on Wednesday?
Level 3

Re: Sales Insight installation failure

You rock! I'm east coast, so until 1:30 my time or after 5:30 my time... Let me know what works for you...Thanks! You are a Champion!
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Re: Sales Insight installation failure

Lets do 11am EST, Wednesday...

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Level 3

Re: Sales Insight installation failure

Sounds great. talk with you then!