Hello. Once a user starts a form and submits I need to run the below code. How can I do it?
When a user starts the form, run this code:
_satellite.track('form_start', { form_type:'[ type of the form ]', form_title:'[ document's title (if applicable) ]' });
When a user successfully submits the form, run this code:
_satellite.track('form_submit', { form_type:'[ type of the form ]', form_title:'[ document's title (if applicable) ]' });
Would this work for after successfully submitting the form?
MktoForms2.whenReady(function(form) { form.onSuccess(function(values, followUpUrl) { _satellite.track('form_submit', { form_type:'gated content', form_title: '[documents title]' } ); return false; }); })
I'm not sure how to go about the start piece though. Any assistance would be appreciated.
Can you highlight all your code using the Syntax Highlighter? Thanks. Then we'll continue.
Thanks for fixing that up.
"Start" is a little vague, but interpreting that as the first time anything in the form is focused, capture (literally) that event like this:
MktoForms2.whenReady(function(form){ var formEl = form.getFormElem()[0]; formEl.addEventListener("focus", logFirstFocus, true); function logFirstFocus(e){ formEl.removeEventListener("focus", logFirstFocus, true); // your _satellite.track() stuff goes here }});
For after successful submission, yes, you'd use the built-in onSuccess event.
Thanks Sanford.