Re: RTP - Personalized Remarketing in Facebook

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RTP - Personalized Remarketing in Facebook

Hi all,

I'm currently setting up Remarketing with RTP data for Google Analytics and Facebook.

For the Facebook setup, the Marketo documentation states that:

"You need to have Facebook Custom Audience Pixel installed your website for this feature to work."

When visiting that page, this feature is noted as being "deprecated".

My guess is that I still need to add this pixel.

Using the Pixel - Facebook Pixel - Documentation - Facebook for Developers

If it were my own website I would just try and see, but since I need to give these instructions to a client

I'd like to get this confirmed.

Kind regards,


Level 4

Re: RTP - Personalized Remarketing in Facebook

Hi Luis,

Thanks for pointing it out, the link is updated in the Docs.

You need have the correct Facebook pixel for remarketing on your site, in order for RTP to send its data on the visitors back to Facebook.