RTP Custom Data Events: Is there a log? Any way to see them?

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RTP Custom Data Events: Is there a log? Any way to see them?

I'm sending custom data events as instructed via the RTP command.  But I would like to know they are being recorded properly without having to create temporary RTP segments and make inferences from those.  It would be extremely helpful if we could see the data events as they are received by Marketo somewhere.  In a log perhaps?  Or in the RTP Real Time analytics dashboard?

Does anybody know of any way to see a log of RTP Data Events?

Please note:  I have already confirmed RTP Data Events do not appear in the Lead Activity Log over in the main Marketo Lead DB.

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Re: RTP Custom Data Events: Is there a log? Any way to see them?

I don;t believe this is available currently.  You may wish to vote on this one

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Re: RTP Custom Data Events: Is there a log? Any way to see them?

I mean create an idea in the ideas section, just to be clear.  This needs to be added to the product and Ideas is a great way to get product features on the radar.

Level 5 - Champion Alumni

Re: RTP Custom Data Events:  Is there a log? Any way to see them?

Jamie is correct.  To record matches, you'd need to create the segment and monitor matches from there. It would, however, be a great product enhancement if we could just pull them in the future like a smart list, especially when vetting segment theories.

Level 2

Re: RTP Custom Data Events: Is there a log? Any way to see them?

Hi Tara. Using the string below, what should be the values I insert in the Data Events parameter when creating a segment? Lets say I want to pull a individuals that have a value of Energy for issues. Do I just write in - issues=Energy?

var customData = {value: ['issues=Energy', 'series='MyEnergy, 'org_unit=Solar', 'timeline_type=BlogPost']};

rtp('send', 'event', customData);

Level 10

Re: RTP Custom Data Events: Is there a log? Any way to see them?

Agreed, this would be a great addition to RTP/MLM... Unfortunately I have come across several inconsistencies between MLM and RTP since they were originally designed as separate platforms, and so things don't mesh up perfectly. But it would be great to get this info and be able to create a smart list instead of having to make a "test segment".