RSVP Alert

Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: RSVP Alert

1 token is a lot easier to maintain than 2 emails, I'd say.

Level 4

Re: RSVP Alert

For you, yes. For someone who is newer to customizing code, maybe not. By simpler, I mean it uses more basic functionality that may be more accessible to someone without coding experience.

Level 1

Re: RSVP Alert

Hi Jeffrey,

Please try the following Velocity script:

##check if the Event RSVP = 1

#if(${$lead.EventRSVP} == "1")

## set display value is "Yes, I'm coming"

#set($display = "Yes, I'm coming") 


## set display value is "No, I won't be there" 

#set($display = "No, I won't be there") 


##print the value 


Please make sure the field must be checked on the right sidebar while writing script. Also, the field name containing response should be the same.

Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: RSVP Alert

There's already working Velocity posted in this thread, Parul, and the same advice!

P.S. Shouldn't use ${formal} notation in conditions as it invites syntax errors.