Role Permissions not getting implemented

Level 1

Role Permissions not getting implemented

Hi Everyone, 

I have been User Admin to a Marketo Instance with over 500 users now. As one would imagine, for such a big user list, we have different Roles and permissions assigned.

I am stuck at one instance where user has requested access to create custom objects, and I have created a different/new role for all custom object creation/edit access, specifically for this user. And initially, I had assigned that new role to this user, in addition to what he already had (Standard user).  However, he was not able to create/view custom objects, which was troubling. So, I checked on a dummy user with just that new role, it does not work (Admin section shows up empty), meaning the role I created has some limitations to it. (as per this marketo doc) least access of the selected roles would be given, so tried giving temp admin access but that does not seem to have fixed it too. See snip 1 for what dummy user sees post Admin enabled. Snip 2 for Roles selected for dummy user.


Here's my question - Is there a list of Roles/Permission that I should follow to create new role for Custom Objects creation? Any help suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.






Level 8 - Community Advisor

Re: Role Permissions not getting implemented

Hi @NeerajTrikha_GA ,

In the screenshot it seems you have multiple Workspaces.

Please check the user for this role have access to the correct workspace.

Level 1

Re: Role Permissions not getting implemented

Hi @uditmathur , that is correct. We do have multiple workspaces and the access being discussed and shared is for the correct one. (remaining two are no longer used). 


Thanks for looking into this. 

Level 10

Re: Role Permissions not getting implemented

I just tested it and for me it works as I would expect. I created a new role "Custom Objects Admin" and assigned just one right under Admin:



And so it looks for the user with that role:



Have you logged out and back in again? Apart from this stupid advise I don't have a better idea, sorry.


Level 8 - Community Advisor

Re: Role Permissions not getting implemented

Hi @NeerajTrikha_GA ,


Working fine for me as well.

If re-login as mentioned by @Michael_Florin hasn't worked, try creating a new user & assign him the new role.