Re: Rest Get Call For Lead Activities

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Rest Get Call For Lead Activities

Hi,I tried making a Marketo call to get the lead activities for some particular ActivityIds .I used the following url-

with authorization - Bearer 2d7c1624-3006-40d0-bb27-358e43138c51:ab

I am getting the following result-


  "requestId": "249d#153be61a470",

  "success": true,


  "moreResult": true


The response has no results(no lead activities data) even through it is giving the next page token and more results to be true.

Any explanations or pointers?

Level 10

Re: Rest Get Call For Lead Activities

+ Derek Fung

Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Rest Get Call For Lead Activities

Isn't this documented as a possible condition?  (I've seen it too.)

In some cases, this API may respond with fewer than 300 activity items, but also have the moreResult attribute set to true.

Although it doesn't specifically say 0, but 0 < 300.

Not applicable

Re: Rest Get Call For Lead Activities

Can you help me understand what this condition implies? List down are my worries-

1-If there are no  result then the result property should be null but in the response i am receiving the property itself is missing.

2-If there are no results how can the more result flag be set to true?(Does it mean we can not rely on more result flag to know whether more results are there or not?)

Not applicable

Re: Rest Get Call For Lead Activities

Hi Manisha

Usually, "moreResult" flag is false when the last page returned.

I tried same "no activity" case, Marketo returned below.







Not applicable

Re: Rest Get Call For Lead Activities

Yes that is what is expected but i am not able to understand why in my response i am receiving moreResult=true even if there are no results?

This should not happen.Is it a bug or am i missing something?

Not applicable

Re: Rest Get Call For Lead Activities

I think this is your Marketo internal problem.

I recommend you contact Marketo support.