reset lead score to zero when added to nurture queue in sfdc

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reset lead score to zero when added to nurture queue in sfdc


I've been asked to reset the lead scores for leads who are added to our nurture queue in sales force (when lead is rejected by sales, they change sfdc lead owner to "nurture queue", however having trouble triggering this flow action since I cannot find "nurture queue" in the list of lead owners. 

Any suggestions on how i can trigger this flow action so that the lead score can be reset when sales changes the sfdc lead owner to "nurture queue"?

Thanks in advance,

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Level 5 - Champion Alumni

Re: reset lead score to zero when added to nurture queue in sfdc

Marketo does not see queues in SFDC, which is why you don't see that option in the list of lead owners. Is there another data value change occuring simultaneously that you could be listening for to reset the score?

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Re: reset lead score to zero when added to nurture queue in sfdc

Thanks for the response Tara, thats exactly what I thought. I've been trying to find another data value but haven't come up with anything yet. Thinking of asking our sfdc admin to create a new lead status for "nurture" and trigerring off of that lead status, but then we'll have to go through and assign that status to all of the leads who's score we want to reset. Does anyone see any potential issues with doing it this way?

Level 5 - Champion Alumni

Re: reset lead score to zero when added to nurture queue in sfdc

Hi Ivan, 

If he can initiate a status change and change the lead owner to the queue in SFDC than you should be able to trigger the 'reset lead score' campaign by listening for a status change, new value=nurture.
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Re: reset lead score to zero when added to nurture queue in sfdc

Ok thanks Tara!