Re: Reporting - Program/Members/Attended/Form/Lead Status

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Reporting - Program/Members/Attended/Form/Lead Status

Hi All,

Wondering if anyone can tell me if this is possible and point me in the right direction.

I would like to generate a report that provides metrics on the following:

1. Total members of program

2. Members Attended

3. How many members of program filled out a form

4. How many members have a lead status of "XXXX"

I would like to summarise the data by month and channel.

I can perform manipulation in excel with pivot tables just don't know how to access the data. If anyone can provide insights you will be my favourite person in the world


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Re: Reporting - Program/Members/Attended/Form/Lead Status

for 1:  Go to the members tab and from there you can see all members of the program.  There is a little icon the bottom that looks like a spreadsheet so you can export

for 2:  Same report as above but filter by status and again export the list

for 3:  This will be a smart list with two filters. Filled out form + member of program, export

for 4:  Another smartlist with two filters stage + member of program

Now I am your new best friend forever..I need help moving on Sunday, see you there

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Re: Reporting - Program/Members/Attended/Form/Lead Status

Thanks Jamie,

Thats a big help, I was hoping to pull the data in one report but I guess it has to be done piece meal. If your in melbs Ill buy you a coffee

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Re: Reporting - Program/Members/Attended/Form/Lead Status

I don't think you can get them all in one report, unfortunately

Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Re: Reporting - Program/Members/Attended/Form/Lead Status

You can do this in one report if you use RCE Program Member Analysis.

Keep in mind the following:

1. Total members of program - you can get this from Program Perf, Program Summary Tab, a Smart List with Member of Program=T, and the Program Member Tab

2. Members Attended - smart list or Program Summary - this relies on your Program Status being changed properly.

3. How many members of program filled out a form > this is a smart list, but is this not the same as Program Status=Registered?

4. How many members have a lead status of "XXXX" = Smart List Member of PRogram = T and Lead Status=X

Again, RCE can show you all of those, including #4 if we rely on Program Status values and Success points. Otherwise, this data is not available in one single report in Marketo.

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Re: Reporting - Program/Members/Attended/Form/Lead Status

Hi Josh,

Thanks for the insight. Just to clarify are your referring to setting up a Revenue Cycle Model, Im just a little unsure as you refer to RCE.