Reporting on Replies

Level 4

Reporting on Replies

Anyone have any idea how to pull a report from an email blast to see how many people replied to the email? The replies are being sent to the Sales team and I want to keep up with how many replies each person has been getting.


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Re: Reporting on Replies

Hi Karly,

Unfortunately there is no way to see replies in Marketo, since they are through the email client to another email client and don't actually touch Marketo.  You'll have to get a report from your sales team, or have the reply-to address be a generic mailbox that you have access to as well on your company's domain.  You can only track on the usual email metrics - opens, clicks, unsubscribes, bounces, etc.
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Re: Reporting on Replies

Hey Karly, 

This seems like a perennial question. Feels like it should be default Marketo functionality! 

There's a few options, none of them perfect (yet): 

1) I use an app called iHance for Salesforce that logs all email activity to a custom object. You can run reports in Salesforce to filter the emails by subject line and by rep to track your replies. Con: no automatic status changing in Marketo programs. 

2) Charlie Liang suggested an interesting Email to Case hack a while ago in this community thread that could be worth exploring:

3) You can log the activity from Outlook if you are using the MSI connector. Creates some manual work for reps though. Some detail here:

4) @Sanford W who often posts in these forums has been mentioning his company is developing an app that will do all this in Marketo. Hopefully he will share more in due course 🙂 
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Re: Reporting on Replies

Thanks for this information. The link to Charlie Liang's suggestion in the community thread didn't work for me. Do you happen to know where I could find that discussion, or perhaps remember the high level overview?

Level 4

Re: Reporting on Replies

Thanks for the help! I guess I'll have to wait until it comes out...
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Re: Reporting on Replies

Hi Karly, great idea! Did you post your idea to the "Ideas" section for further consideration?
Level 4

Re: Reporting on Replies

no, I will, thank you
Level 5

Re: Reporting on Replies

i'd be glad to get any hints how to be able to track those who hit reply

we need this no just for the metrics, we're planning a nurturing campaign, where if a person replies to sales right away it's only reasonable to stop sending him further marketing emails.

Unfortunately, the only way i can find this out is to actually know who replied which i can't track now

we don't use SalesForce and neither outlook plugin so i'm quite at a loss what else could be done

Level 10

Re: Reporting on Replies

Hi Vlada, do you have any CRM connected to your Marketo instance? You could have sales check a box that would suspend marketing communication.

Otherwise, depending on how many responses you're talking about, you could have them tell you who to suspend -- but obviously this isn't scalable.

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Re: Reporting on Replies

For campaign triggers, this is what I recommend for companies using Gmail (G Suite, Google Apps, etc.)  Cirrus Insight inbox tool, and Salesforce:

  1. Set up reply tracking and syncing with Salesforce: Sync All of Your Emails to Salesforce - Cirrus Insight (No extra manual work for reps to click "log email"). I believe Yesware and other programs have this as well, but our sales team happens to like Cirrus.
  2. Replies are automatically logged in Salesforce activity.  All replies have an arrow like the one below:

   3. Use the filter "Activity was Logged" where the Subject contains the arrow (use copy and paste, it works!). Then add whatever filters you like.

TADA! Smart lists with cold/warm leads... reports with response rate... you name it! Enjoy.