Relating a Task to a Campaign in Flow

Level 2

Relating a Task to a Campaign in Flow

In a campaign in Marketo, if we have a step to create a task, is there a way to relate this back to a campaign?  Currently, it is just creating the task in the person's record.  For instance, if we have a task to follow-up with a lead after meeting at a conference, is there a way to relate the task back to the conference campaign in Marketo?  Thanks in advance!

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Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Re: Relating a Task to a Campaign in Flow

Hi Rachel,

Can you be a bit more specific on how you want the last to be related back to the Marketo program.  I assume when you are talking about the conference campaign, you have built a Marketo program for that conference.  Do you want a status change to have occurred if something happened to the task?  Or if a meeting was booked? or if the person made it to an opportunity?

Level 2

Re: Relating a Task to a Campaign in Flow

Sure thing.  So for a conference program in Marketo we create a new Salesforce campaign to link the program to.  When we have a flow step to create a task for someone, we would like it to fill out the "related to" field in salesforce, so that the task is related back to the campaign.  This doesn't have anything to do with a status change, just relating the task back to a campaign.   Does that help at all?

Related to.jpg

Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Re: Relating a Task to a Campaign in Flow

Unfortunately you can't modify that field in Marketo.  You can vote for that feature here: 

Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Relating a Task to a Campaign in Flow

This is definitely not a native feature, like Jessica said. But if you have an SFDC developer, s/he could create an Apex endpoint that you could then call as a Marketo webhook (replacing Create Task with this more robust functionality). Or, a bit more clunkily, you could use an Apex trigger to copy data from the standard Task fields into the Related To.