Re: Registration Approval Through Salesforce

Level 4

Registration Approval Through Salesforce

I have a campaign to send a webinar invitation to a large group of people and synced the Marketo program (webnar channel) to a Salesforce campaign. I've set the status options in Salesforce to match those available in Marketo. Is it possiblbe to allow my sales reps to approve registerents manually on a case-by-case basis using Salesforce, and have Maketo send the appropriate email based on their progression status? 


Lead receives invitation, status = "invited"
Lead fills out form, progression status changes to "pending approval"
Sales Rep logges into Salesforce and changes member status to "Registered" or "Rejected"
Marketo sends appropriate email to registrant
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Re: Registration Approval Through Salesforce

Yes, as long as the rep has the permissions to change the Status within SFDC. 

You can build a trigger campaign using the "Progression Status is Changed" trigger. Select the program that has been synced with SFDC and add the constraint "New Value". Enter "Registered" there. Then, in the flow steps, "Send Email" and reference the confirmation email you have/or will be creating. 

I would also recommend doing this for the Leads the reps change to "Rejected." You can do it all within the same campaign. Add the same trigger as before, but change the "New Value" constraint to Rejected. Then, in the flow steps, "Add Choice" and reference the "Progression Status" filter. If "Progression Status" is "Rejected", send a sorry email. Default can be the thank you for signing up email.

Level 4

Re: Registration Approval Through Salesforce


I've been playing around with it and have gotten it to work just the way you describe. I have statuses for Registered, Rejected, & Wait Listed. 
Not applicable

Re: Registration Approval Through Salesforce

Good news! Glad you got it all sorted out!