Re: Referral Offer | Unique link

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Level 4

Referral Offer | Unique link

Hi all, we have a campaign where people can refer it to friends using a unique URL. If the friend referred register to the campaign, the original refer gets a voucher. Here is the flow?




Can you please advise if I can do it with Marketo? Otherwise, what would you recommend?






Accepted Solutions
Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Referral Offer | Unique link

Do you have any example of the logic you mentioned? For a developer, how long will take to JS code and make all tests with the Marketo webhook? Sorry, I'm not technical enough to answer those questions.

Well.... sort of an unwritten rule that a developer never estimates another developer's time. 🙂


The last project took < 8 hours but there may be nooks and crannies for your particular needs.


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Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Referral Offer | Unique link

With questions like this it's vital to define what we mean by"with Marketo."


It's absolutely possible to set up a Referral program where each incoming Referral (Marketo Custom Object) is linked to the Referrer lead and the Referral lead(s). And the Referral connections can be updated if/when they convert. We just rolled out something like this on Monday.


Yet it's not possible to do it without some kind of auxiliary code because you need to use the Marketo REST API. In the above case it's a small amount of JS code (< 150 lines for what that's worth) run via a webhook for each form post. It's a completely headless app, there's no separate UI or anything, but code must run outside Marketo to in turn "loopback" and update Marketo.

Level 4

Re: Referral Offer | Unique link

Hi, @SanfordWhiteman thanks for the information. What I meant "with Marketo" is: do we need an external partner to make that logic or create a JS code, as you mentioned, plus Marketo is enough. Now, I get it. 🙂

Do you have any example of the logic you mentioned? For a developer, how long will take to JS code and make all tests with the Marketo webhook? Sorry, I'm not technical enough to answer those questions.

Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Referral Offer | Unique link

Do you have any example of the logic you mentioned? For a developer, how long will take to JS code and make all tests with the Marketo webhook? Sorry, I'm not technical enough to answer those questions.

Well.... sort of an unwritten rule that a developer never estimates another developer's time. 🙂


The last project took < 8 hours but there may be nooks and crannies for your particular needs.


Level 4

Re: Referral Offer | Unique link

@SanfordWhiteman thanks. It helps. 

Level 1

Re: Referral Offer | Unique link

@SanfordWhiteman we are looking for a solution that is close to Andreia's. Is there a sample of the JS code that you used in your roll out? Thanks!

Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Referral Offer | Unique link

we are looking for a solution that is close to Andreia's. Is there a sample of the JS code that you used in your roll out? Thanks!

Not at present, source is closed as it was transferred to a client.


But it's not difficult logic once you grok the way CO schemas & the CO REST API work.


Of course you could implement it countless ways, like using node-fetch to get the Fetch API (which I prefer) or the raw NodeJS Request API (which would also work fine). It's more about the CO and link field setup within Marketo than it is about the code, frankly.