May i ask if there is a way to recover the HTML code, which is overwritten by other code in LP template?
In one of our instance, we mistakenly overwrote the approved LP guided template (which is used by many active LPs) with a wrong code and approved it. And now All LPs associated are in draft mode, if apporved, all LPs would be drastically affected.
May i ask if the support could help to recover the LP guided template HTML / CSS codes by support, when provided with LP template details? If yes, please help to know the next steps.
Thanks in advance.
Next steps: Open a Support case. Don't make any additional edits.
May I know if there is any additional restriction as though, the back up code would be recovered only within a month or so?
Thanks for your help.
Can't say. Probably the current Approved rev. Open a case and you'll see!
Thanks, will check