Recommended Email Send Limits Per Day to key Domains

Not applicable

Recommended Email Send Limits Per Day to key Domains

There used to be a Marketo article that I can no longer find on the Community around the recommended daily limits for sending to e.g. @Gmail, @Hotmail, @Yahoo etc domains for throttling purposes so as to prevent Email Suspended.

Does anyone still have a copy of this info?



Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Re: Recommended Email Send Limits Per Day to key Domains

Ah yes, I remember this one.

I believe the recommended limit was 20k-50k/hr for each one. It's possible I wrote it down in my guide: but it could just be the link to the old article.

Level 5

Re: Recommended Email Send Limits Per Day to key Domains

While is good practice to adhere to some form of delivery rules - I am not sure the ISP loads / sends are as valid as they once were.  Marketo used to have a terrible reputation for "Spam" but this has cleared in recent terms with the shared servers listed only a few times each day (and mostly on smaller RBL's)