Recommendations on how to best report on preference center selections?

Level 1

Recommendations on how to best report on preference center selections?

I've got a preference center based on a form that feeds flex fields.  Is there a way to report, and specifically build a dashboard that will allow me to track the progress (changes) over time?

Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Recommendations on how to best report on preference center selections?

Not gonna be possible within the platform itself. Marketo does record Data Value Changes to the Activity Log (which is good!) and stores them for 90 days. But you can’t build a report directly on those activities: you’d have to pull the raw ActLog via API and report on the resulting CSV/JSON data.


More broadly, Marketo offers lots of robust report types, but you can’t host a “dashboard” per se — with multiple reports — within the Marketo Engage UI.


Can you explain exactly what the metrics will be in this report? What do you mean by “progress”? More detail is better.