Re: RCE reporting discrepency- need help with troubleshooting

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RCE reporting discrepency- need help with troubleshooting

We ran a report in RCE and are seeing an anomaly.

For a particular nurture program, a report in RCE is t is showing pretty high numbers of unsubscribes. See the screen capture below.  The RCE report is for the time period January 2018 to March 31, 2018. 

However,  However, when we pull the email performance report, I am not seeing such high unsubscribe numbers.  Does anyone have an insight into this?  I pulled a few sample leads and activity log but I am not seeing any unsubscribes any where. we have close to 300,000 people in the nurture and so it is hard to pull invididual records. does anyone have an idea on how to troubleshoot this? 

Screen capture of report from RCE. 


Screen capture of email performance report.  unsubscribed is low. 


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Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Re: RCE reporting discrepency- need help with troubleshooting

It doesn't look like you're comparing apples to apples.  In RCE, you're filtering on "last touch program" and in the other report, you're filtering on Email Name.  What happens if you swap out "last touch program" with just "program name"?

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Re: RCE reporting discrepency- need help with troubleshooting

here are my options for programs. as you can see "program name" is not an option.


Level 2

Re: RCE reporting discrepency- need help with troubleshooting

Can you use Acquisition Program? Or possibly try running a Program Membership Analysis report with the row being Program Name, columns will have your unsubscribed field and measures will be members?

Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Re: RCE reporting discrepency- need help with troubleshooting

Sorry, I forgot you're not using the "program membership analysis" report.  For "email analysis" reports, you'll need to use the actual email names (like you have in the email performance report.  "Last touch program" is a custom field and I'm not sure how this is being used or populated.  You might want to include some lead data in your RCE report so you can look at their lead records to see where the discrepancy/correlation exists.  Based on your filters, all it's saying is "show me everyone that has unsubscribed that has been created this year - and has 'Modern cybercrime nurture track" as a value in their lead record".  It doesn't mean they unsubscribed within that specific nurture program.  Based on these numbers, it definitely looks like you have an unsubscribe issue (hard to say, without knowing your overall volume).