How do I add the "View as Web Page" link to the top of my email templates? I had assumed it was already there, but I've sent tests to myself and I don't see it.
Under "Edit Settings" in your email , check the checkbox "Include View as Web Page"
Ohhh - I see now - thank you! Is there a way to make that a default setting, or do I need to go in and check the box for every email I send?
Hi Lisa Heay, you can add a Marketo token to your templates. There's a great conversation about this here
I am having the same problem and in Admin-->Email-->Edit Settings, but I see the screen with editing our Brand Domain/HTML Unsubscribe/etc. Did I miss a step to getting to the above screen?
HI Anne, that screen is actually in the specific email settings, not the Admin settings.
Why does the unsubscribe text (which is in the same area as the view as web page text) show up as a default, but not this? It doesn't make sense to me why they're both in the admin area, but you have to manually insert this or put in a token, while the unsubscribe text is always there.
I believe this is the markup for are looking for, this allows the “View as Webpage” link to be placed anywhere in the email, and even to be set on the template level.
<a href="{{system.viewAsWebpageLink:default=edit me}}">View as Webpage</a>