Has anyone experienced an error in Marketo when syncing a Contact or Lead that is: "Can't find sObject <<Lead Id>>, this sObject could has been deleted" [sic]
This issue is that many of the Leads and Contacts with this error are not converted or deleted.
I think the issue is we have Marketo set up to not sync Leads that are set as Lead Status: "Disqualified" - but what I think is happening is the Lead is being created and meets criteria and is getting into a flow, then later the Lead is disqualified in Salesforce, then later Marketo is trying to remove the Lead from a flow and sync to Salesforce, but it no longer can because it no longer meets the criteria and its failing.
We have hundreds of records that are failing to sync over and over with this message. I'd appreciate any tips on how to clean this up - we have a similar issue with deleted Leads as well.
Hello, thank you for the reply. Yes, I figured this was the case as I mentioned in my original post, but I am wondering how people deal with this or create a work around?
We do not want Marketo to not sync in Disqualified leads, and I want it to stay that way as I don't want to flood Marketo with Disqualified leads. But then what do I do about Leads that then become disqualified? Marketo seems to be unable to handle that transition. So how do people configure Marketo to deal with records that eventually no longer meet the criteria (this would apply to deleted records too I assume?) We are seeing the same issue with deleted records - so if that is an easier topic to cover than it might also apply to the Disqualified leads?