Re: Question about Batch Scoring Campaigns

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Question about Batch Scoring Campaigns


I was wondering if there is a bulletproof way to setup batch scoring campaigns in Marketo. The use case would be as follows: the customer has implemented a scoring model, but after some runs he has figured out it needs some tweaks and would like to reset the scores of all leads and re-apply them through a batch campaign.
As far as I know, for the moment one can only set a particular score for each action (e.g. page visit, form fillout etc.) but not for EACH TIME the lead performs that action.

Is there a way to have something like this:

Smart List - visited web page (any)
Flow - Lead score +1 for each visit

instead of having to do something like:

Smart List - visited web page (any) min. number of times (3)
Flow - Lead Score +3

Smart List - visited web page (any) min. number of times (4)
Flow - Lead Score +4

Smart List - visited web page (any) min. number of times (5)
Flow - Lead Score +5

... and so on.

I know this is quite a specific use case, but I feel it would be nice to have something like this to be able to reset scoring without much hassle.

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Re: Question about Batch Scoring Campaigns

If you want to reset all the scores (demographic and behavioral) to 0, you can do it with a batch campaign.

Smart list:
1. Lead Score is Not Empty
2. Behavioral Score is Not Empty
3. Demopgrahic Score is Not Empty

1. Change Score
If Demographic Score is Not 0
then Change Demographic Score to 0

2. Change Score
If Behavioral Score is Not 0
then Change Behavioral Score to 0

3. Change Score
If Lead Score is Not 0
then Change Lad Score to 0

Once you run this, your scores will all reset and you can restart the lead scoring campaigns you want to implement. 
Of course, this is a guideline. it depends on if you use all 3 scorings in your model. 

Hope that helps!