Query on MQL's - Can the MQL status be retracted ?

Level 1

Query on MQL's - Can the MQL status be retracted ?

Hi All,


We have a scenario where accidentally few records were mistakenly tagged to a person status  eg - Attended which Qualifies them as MQL ,based on our current lead scoring framework.


How do we rectify them back to a different status as the requestors have confirmed that incorrect files were provided by mistake.


NOTE : Few of these incorrect records have been SAL'd as well 

Any tips/ recommendations around this on how we can correct them?





Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Query on MQL's - Can the MQL status be retracted ?

To be is Attended a Program Status (i.e. the Program Member system field), or is it a value in the Person Status field?


These are very different.


You can’t move someone backward in Program Status. They’d have to be removed from the Program and moved back in (as well as preserving their Program Member Data, if any). This would not affect your ability to flip a flat person field to another value, but the overall state of your database would be inconsistent.


Please provide fuller detail.