Push unsubscribed users to marketo

Level 1

Push unsubscribed users to marketo


It's possible push unsubscribed users to marketo via segment.io? Actually I use customer.io for email company which integrated to segment.io, so I also want push that data to my marketing program in marketo.

I read this documentation, but I didn't find solution:
- Marketo Source Documentation - Segment
- Marketo V2 Destination Documentation - Segment

Do you have any ideas or solutions for that?

Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Push unsubscribed users to marketo

Yes, you have to add and map additional Segment traits to represent the unsubscribe-related fields.

However: you should be aware that you're probably opening a DoS attack vulnerability against your Marketo API call limit using such methods. Anything that allows an end user to consume an API call for an untrusted action creates such a vuln.

I would recommend you rethink your way of managing unsubscribes to push this information directly to Marketo using the Forms JS API.

Level 1

Re: Push unsubscribed users to marketo


I connected customer.io as source and marketo as distance to segment.io. So I see success pushing from customer.io to segment.io, but data requests from segment.io to marketo are failed. Can you help me with marketo config for that action?

Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Push unsubscribed users to marketo

It's all in the Marketo v2 documentation from Segment.

I would need to see your entire configuration on both sides, and all error reports, to be able to troubleshoot this.

Level 1

Re: Push unsubscribed users to marketo

my error with data (in field context->traits->email I have single email address)

My config:
I set:

- Munchkin Account ID
- Client ID
- Client Secret
- Track Anonymous Activity (OFF)
- API Private Key

- Marketo Custom Activities (0)

- Marketo Custom Fields (I think my error in this place. I tried different configurations, but don't know which must be correct, tried set email, userId, anonymousId)
