Our analytics team is trying to create a report that has all the programs with their nested smart campaigns. We would like to have program details (i.e. channel tags, other program tags, program status, program success status, etc.) and campaign details (i.e. campaign performance) for those programs. For example:
The goal is to be able to filter by program and get the overall smart campaign statistics by program. Is there a way to export a program performance or campaign performance report with both program IDs and campaign IDs on the report?
Overall, we want program and campaign metrics in (1) exportable report.
Hi Tom,
Unfortunately, there isn't a way to add in additional columns to your reports that notate Program ID or Campaign ID. You could export both the Campaign Activity report and Program Performance Report and manually merge them.
Do you have RCE? It may be suitable for the advance reporting you are looking for.
I am looking to do the same. Yes, we do have RCE. Need a way to do this consistently.