Re: Program creation best practices

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Program creation best practices

Hello community!
I am interested in hearing how people organize their programs for larger campaigns.  For example as part of a large campaign I have a PPC component and have created a program for it, within that program I have a few different landing pages, and a couple smart campaigns set up to change progression in the program (clicked and converted).  Here is the issue i face, once a person fills in a form they are converted, and if they visit another of the landing pages and fill in a form or not the status stays as converted.  I guess this kind of makes sense as they have already converted.  Iguees what I am asking is do you set up one program per landing page, or group them based on the overall campaign?
Similar question for email campaigns if I have multiple emails (say 3) but progression status does not determine if the next email will be sent, does it make sense to create a progam for each email, or group them into the same one.

I find the members of this community are so helpful!

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Re: Program creation best practices

A while ago I made this graphic that summarizes my thoughts on the one program per landing page technique:


I can see this method being useful in some business models, but we choose to tag each program with a unique URL and track the program's performance regardless of which Web form is completed. It looks something like this:


So if I had three different lead gen emails, they would be built as three different programs and the links in each of those emails would have a unique tag to help Marketo identify program responses. Those emails could all point to the same landing page or different landing pages - it wouldn't matter.

If I need to show how those three emails relate to an over-arching campaign, I group them together in Marketo with folder structures and in SalesForce with a field on the campaign object called "Parent Campaign" that would relate them to a common campaign.

This is what works for us, but ultimately it depends on your goals and the reports you need in the end. I hope this was helpful!

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Re: Program creation best practices

A while ago I made this graphic that summarizes my thoughts on the one program per landing page technique:


I can see this method being useful in some business models, but we choose to tag each program with a unique URL and track the program's performance regardless of which Web form is completed. It looks something like this:


So if I had three different lead gen emails, they would be built as three different programs and the links in each of those emails would have a unique tag to help Marketo identify program responses. Those emails could all point to the same landing page or different landing pages - it wouldn't matter.

If I need to show how those three emails relate to an over-arching campaign, I group them together in Marketo with folder structures and in SalesForce with a field on the campaign object called "Parent Campaign" that would relate them to a common campaign.

This is what works for us, but ultimately it depends on your goals and the reports you need in the end. I hope this was helpful!
Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Re: Program creation best practices

That's a great chart Delinda. Thanks for sharing.

Seems to be a good approach that can also take advantage of Campaign Folder tokens.

I know some people will keep AdGroups in one Program too.

I find having multiple pages and emails in 1 program makes sense for nurturing and not always for other channels. What I would normally do is if the Lead reaches the Success Condition, then that person effectively ends any future emails or progressions. So maybe that needs to be clearer in the way you setup your PPC program.

If your goal is just a Form FIll Out, then Delinda's system makes sense. If you are running a PPC as part of a larger program where they might get related emails, then you can decide if subsequent emails will come from the same Program or they will shift to become Members of a different Program.